Astro Ninja Man music

The music from the homebrew Astro Ninja Man is really good. It took inspiration from various games vibes 8-16 bit. I suppose it is made on Recca Summer Carnival 92 engine. You may hear Alien 3, Gyruss, Darkman, Silver Surfer, Legend of Kage, Super Spy Hunter, Recca(obviously) as well as 16 bits Streets of Rage and Batman influences and many more.

This recorded directly from the console.

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Youtube stats

Videos this days has a new feature, showing the most viewed spots of a video. I checked Chip And Dale OST from NES on 2 different videos and Zone J most viewed on both of them.

Checking another OST. Shadow of Ninja NES, KAGE on Famicom. And it has 2 boss themes as the most viewed spots. Two videos has a bit different order, so the spots are on different places in them. But that are the same music tracks:

What does it mean? The most memorable melodies? I do not know. But lets check our game – The Guardian Legend. I found only 1 video with enough views to show those stats. It seems that forest walking area is the most viewed one. Does it mean that it’s the most memorable music from the game, or is it most impactful, or do people like it the most? What do you think?

You can share your opinion in comments or on The Guardian Legend Discord chat:

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Great jazz music cover

Harmsing recorded a great jazz music cover on the corridor 5,6.

He had a contest year ago and as a prize he suggested he would make a music cover of the choice. How lucky we are that the winner was one of the game’s fans. He asked for the corridor 5,6 music.

And here we go, a year later the prize is ready.

The winner is very happy. And so we are!

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Guardian Legend OST by soejima1000

A really good played Guardian Legend OST by soejima1000

All the songs in one video. Played on guitar with also a recorded guitars background. Worth a listen.

I added the song to the music section as an audiofile, but it has 128kbps quality, as it is the quality the video was uploaded.

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8-bit music could be better on NES/Famicom

Hey, music time!

This tune was created for C64 computer somewhere in July 1985. And you know what? It’s earlier than Super Mario Bros. released.

The techniques used in the song are shared with NES. There were some composers who did similar. Codemasters games come to mind and also Tim Baldwin and Jeroen Tel.

The Rob Hubbard’s – “Thing on a Spring” (C64, Commodore 64) sounds way superior than 1985th music of the NES.

Music chips were different on C64 and NES. I think the ability of C64 to play any type of waveform(square pulse, saw, triangle, noise) on each of the channels was so much better than the NES chip that had each channel for each type of waveform.

I wish NES/ Famicom had the same thing where each channel could play any type of waveform. That would lead to much more advanced and interesting music on NES/Famicom.

Lets go!

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Every Version of Castlevania “Vampire Killer”

I am a music lover. Konami brought many cool games and music in it. Castlevania became a classic and has a lot of games in the series. Vampire Killer is a very definitive tune for me as I heard it in childhood in the Vampire Killer on MSX. I did not owned MSX. It was my friend’s mom who worked at some place with computers and we sometime went there and played.

That’s such a great idea to gather all versions of the song in one place. I could not imagine there were so many. This song doesn’t even need covers because there are so many(50+) official versions of it!

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Fun anthem for the game!

Suraht singing a song over the music of The Guardian Legend. And it’s pretty fun! If anyone ever wanted to sing a song for The Guardian Legend now you know where you can find the lyrics 🙂

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The Guardian Returns guitar theme

The music loosely based and inspired by the music of the game. It mostly sounds different and on its own, but a few notes reminds you the game’s music.

This could be an actual soundtrack to some sequel or something. It has very Metroid’s music feeling. Something unexplored and unsettled. Like an abandoned city.

The actual music starts from 2:42. And when I listen to it feels too short. Just when I start gettin into the theme it just ends.

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